Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is it and what do I do?? Large bump above my chin and below my bottom lip?

I have a large bump above my chin and below my bottom lip. For a month or two it would come and then would go away rather quickly. I would sometimes pop it, tear it, or shave it off, and it would usually scab over and then just go away. For the past couple weeks it has just stayed there and won't go away. It has puss in it and when I rip it off now it pusses and then bleeds, and then just sticks around and bubbles up again. It is relatively hard and hurts when I push on it. On the surface it just looks like an oversized pimple, but it is much more than that. It doesn't look like a pimple after I rip it off b/c it looks very raw, sort of like a bumpy cut, and stings when it's open.

What is it and what do I do?? Large bump above my chin and below my bottom lip?
WHOA!! Please see a dermatologist, it's sounds like you have an infection of some kind and you might need antibiotics. Maybe it was a ingrown hair and it got infected. When you touch an open sore like that with unclean hands and pop it over and over your germs took over. When it heals it will probably leave a mark.^^
Reply:It's a headless pimple. They can stay for ages don't touch or pick at it and it will go in it's own time. Or you can go to the doctors and get special cream if you have an acne problem.

Hope this helps.
Reply:A cyst maybe? Have you thought about going to a doctor? Stop ripping it off--you obviously aren't accomplishing anything long-term. Go to the doctor. He/she can probably remove the whole thing and that'll be the end of it.

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