Monday, May 24, 2010

What are the pros and cons of a career as a radiology technician for a 39yr. old introvert career changer?

I'm thirty nine years old and very introverted (let's say practically anitsocial!) and work in Civil Service (N.Y. City municipal agency) as a Supervisor in the Records Management Unit. While it is back office and I only have to manage a staff of three, it is boring, tedious, and mindless work spent doing repetitive data entry, information research, answering telephone questions of employees about their personnel files; and living in one of the boroughs of N.Y.C. the salary sucks - $45,000.00 I couldn't even afford a studio apartment on that if I wasn't married! I can be charming and friendly if forced to, am fairly intelligent, very well spoken, and have been told by numerous people that I "write very well." Since receiving my Bachelor's Degree in 1991 I've not enrolled in any sort of academic program. I desperately need a career chage but am hampered by my solitary nature and fear of socializing. I also need to earn about $65K to feel financially secure. Advice?

What are the pros and cons of a career as a radiology technician for a 39yr. old introvert career changer?
Sounds like to me that you are what you claim "fairly intelligent, very well spoken," and have excellent communication. I am a fellow introvert myself I'm getting my bachelor's degree and working hard towards medical school. I am leaning towards a career as a radiologist. Perhaps that is more of your forte than radiology technician. With radiology technician, it is not as intellectually challenging and fulfilling as radiology. Why don't you take the courses needed in post-baccaluarate studies to fulfill medical school requirements and study for your MCAT then apply to medical school. If you cannot get accepted to a medical school in the U.S., I recommend Saint Matthew University School of Medicine in the Cayman Island. But with your intelligence, you could get accepted into med school in NY. Good luck!

P.S. I am very shy myself, and don't like socializing with people I just met.
Reply:I am a 38 year old radiologic TECHNOLOGIST, and have been for many years. You definitely have to be able to get along well with people and many personality types. People who are "practically antisocial" would not be a good fit in this line of work. Call your local college and ask about taking a career profile survey. You would answer questions and based on your answers, some job types would be suggested to you.

I would not advise becoming a radiologist. You still have to get out of your office and interact with people. It is about a ten year process after you obtain a BS to become a Radiologist.

Find something that you enjoy doing, and don't get stuck thinking I have to have "X" amount of money or I just won't be happy. I've been a tech for 16 years ( in Texas) and I don't earn $65K, but I have a very flexible schedule that allows me to be with my children, yet still get out of the house and feel like I am contributing to the household.
Reply:You are not going to make that much money as a rad tech, and you need to be a people person.

I suggest you choose something else.
Reply:My son wants to go into that its good money and i dont think its a bad choice but its a year or 2 so i get on it if i was you.

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